After lots of practice, awkward mirror poses and failing terribly countless times, you've finally mastered the art of taking selfies, or almost. The truth is that part of being selfie savvy includes showing off enviable skin, which is not hard to do with so many Instagram filters available today. It's tough to tell who's faking it and who's the real deal.
True! We are indeed in the times of the selfie craze, and it's easy for one simple image (which may not even be real) to stir a world of emotions inside us, have us compare ourselves to others, and make us love ourselves a little less.
This is why we want to take the approach of doing something to make your skin look amazing not (only) for the sake of pretty selfies, but to give yourself some love. A little bit of face pampering will enhance your natural glow, and there's nothing more beautiful than letting our genuine nature shine through despite our imperfections. We all have them!
Whether you decide to wear makeup or stay 100% natural, your face will thank you for this routine:
1) Make skincare a habit
If you don't yet have a consistent skincare routine, it's time to adopt one to get your skin looking great at all times.
Depending on your type of skin, you'll need to find products that work best for you. However, everyone can benefit from essential daily care, such as:
2) Hydration
This tip is by no means groundbreaking, but increasing your water intake is one of the simplest ways to improve your complexion. Alcohol, coffee and sodas dehydrate you and are not very skin-friendly, so keeping them in check is key.
Now that the daily regime is covered, this will make your face happy whether you take a selfie or not!
3) Prepare your skin
If your face is a bit puffy when you get up in the morning counteract it by wearing a cooling hydrating mask for about 10. The cold temperature will cause the blood vessels to constrict and reduce the swelling. Then apply your serum of preference and moisturiser and allow for enough time for absorption. Lip is also a good idea to hydrate your lips.
Tip: Dry skins will benefit for a serum with moisturising properties like hyaluronic acid, glycerine and plant oils or ceramides. In the case of oily skins, formulas that contain ingredients like salicylic acid and zinc PCA will usually work best.
4) Groom and enhance your features naturally
Brush your browns to make them look neat and in place. Curling your eyelashes will do wonders to open the eye, especially if you've decided to go 100% makeup-free for your selfie and don't want to use mascara.
5) Keep the foundation light.
If you do want to put on makeup, using foundation is essential to even out the skin tone. The trick is to add a light, sheer veil so your skin looks youthful and fresh. Remember, we're going for the "no makeup" makeup look.
6) Use the concealer correctly
While light makeup lets your natural glow shine through, you can also add a bit of concealer if you need further coverage for under-eye circles or breakouts. The trick is to add the concealer after the foundation on the specific spots that need a bit more care, this way you avoid overdoing it and ruining the natural look want.
7) Get the Perfect Lighting
Natural light that is soft and diffused is best for selfies. For example, in the early morning or later in the day when the sun is coming down. Avoid taking the photos at high noon, as direct light makes the pores and blemishes in your face more evident. Cloudy days are great as the light will be naturally softer and make your pictures more flattering.
Extra tip: Take social media with a pinch of salt!
By this we're not advising against filters or editing altogether, there's no shame it that. But Too much of anything is never a good thing and it's easy to fall for these reality distorting traps that can have a negative effect on how we see ourselves.
Remember that every time you take a selfie, you are forcing yourself to evaluate your appearance, so we need to be kind to ourselves. As good as the social community can be for support and encouragement, putting a high value on virtual validation sphere can be proving game. The trick is to have fun while knowing a snap doesn't determine your worth, and not taking social media too seriously!
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