One of the buzzwords of our era is self-knowledge. We seem to be bombarded by self-knowledge literature or those “guru-sounding” words: looking inward, introspection, inner observation… The list goes on.
Self-knowledge is so important because it helps us understand our inner experience (what is going on in our minds) and its impact on the experience of others, making us more empathic and, overall, nicer to be around. It also allows us to make better choices in life, especially around love and work.
Okay, but how do I go about it?
The impact of truly knowing ourselves can be extremely profound, and there is no single right way to do it, but rather, many. There are plenty of books, talks and resources online to help you navigate the world of self-discovery. But let’s be honest, most of them might seem a bit dull. So we came up with three ways to gain self-awareness and also have a bit of fun:
Remember that friend who went to Bali for a few months and then came back saying she felt “transformed”? Well, good news is, you don't have to go all the way to Bali to experience that.
When we travel we find ourselves in new surroundings, maybe even a new language, and most importantly, we find ourselves distanced from most things we know and might take for granted.
This can result in us changing many of our opinions and perspectives on life, and hey, you might indeed come back feeling transformed. Be adventurous and go explore!
As daunting as dating can be, especially in the current game of swipes, we can still approach it from a place of self-discovery, which will lead to finding yourself in the first place, and then (with any luck) finding your next love.
When you see dating as another tool to find yourself, you are able to find meaning in your dates, relationships and even in ghosting or heartbreak. You’ll understand your self-worth does not depend on others, and you’ll get to see sides of yourself you may not know were there.
Besides, it will help you develop more meaningful relationships. And, of course, dating can be heaps of fun too!
Placing yourself in new situations or taking on a new challenge can feel uncomfortable sometimes. Yes, you might feel all awkward stepping on that good-looking guy’s toes in a salsa class, but trying new things can offer many unique personal insights.
Think of a new activity you would like to try and give it a go: it can be anything from sports or volunteering to an art or pottery class - you might be surprised to find some hidden talents. And remember: if you never try, you’ll never know.
Also, do not forget getting to know yourself is a life-long task, but one that will surely be worth it, so why not make the journey a bit more fun?
Me-Myself & I
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