The Mag

Four Things we can Learn from Japanese Culture to Improve our Nutrition

Fluffy Power: the Mood-boosting effects of pets and why it's better to be more like them

Nail it!

Holiday Mode: on How to Take a Mini-vacation in Your City
Think about it. Most of the time we say, “I need to get away to disconnect”, “I need a holiday”, “I need to switch off.” What this means is that our brains crave rest. Usually, the quickest way to create this “mind-spa” is to change the scenery around us and get some real physical distance between ourselves and our worries. But what if we could achieve this without going through the hassle of long and expensive travel? ...

The New First Times or Second Chances
As we slowly emerge from a time of loneliness and longing, we're flooded with warm memories of the things and people that matter the most to us. Our minds keep travelling back to the life we were used to living. And no matter how tough we had it or how imperfect our lives were, it's inevitable to think that it was a time less complicated...

Reset your mind, body and soul: The Ultimate Life Detox
Being a modern, global citizen is challenging. From minor events to significant crises, stress is an inevitable part of life. And as if work and tending to family responsibilities weren't enough, there's also a deep-seated pressure to keep up with social media, friends and to be available via text practically 24/7. While it's true we cannot control our circumstances in most cases, we can control how we react...

Dogs&Co: Their Story. Your Story.
Seriously, very doggie. It is often said that not only dogs and their owners look alike, but that they even share personality traits. The resemblances can be so striking in fact, that dogs, just like humans, change with time influenced by their owners and experiences. There is even scientific research that backs this up! However, in our case, we didn't need to...

7 Tips To Make Your Skin Look Perfect in Every Selfie
After lots of practice, awkward mirror poses and failing terribly countless times, you've finally mastered the art of taking selfies, or almost. The truth is that part of being selfie savvy includes showing off enviable skin, which is not hard to do with so many Instagram filters available today. It's tough to tell who's faking it and who's the real deal. True! We are indeed in the times of the selfie craze, and it's easy for one...

A Letter from Paola: Why I Stopped Making New Year’s Resolutions and What I’m Doing Instead
As a new year begins, it’s common to find yourself indulging in retrospection and reflection about your life choices. All sorts of feelings of hope, joy and even nostalgia start to invade us. We get excited, and our expectations reach an all-time high. We promise ourselves that this is going to be...

The PDPAOLA Bible to holiday party behaviour

From your mindset to the wardrobe, how to be a boss in everything you do in life
Have you ever seen those women who have a million things going on and wondered how on earth they keep it all together? Far beyond the literal sense of being the head of your enterprise or having a top position in a company, being a boss is really about taking charge and building the life that you truly want. You may think bosses are 'born naturally,' and some are. But it's also true that any woman can build...

5 Keys to Building Your Personal Sanctuary
As it's clear with every blinking light, incoming message and endless social media scrolling, the world around us moves at relentless speeds that make it almost impossible for us to keep up. Now more than ever, life begs for a place to call our own, lift-up our mood and recharge for the day to come. Here are the five keys to building a sanctuary to honour you inner goddess and emerge as your best self every time. Sunlight will lift up your mood and make the room instantly more pleasant. Allow for as much of it as possible, at least...

Why You Need Your Girlfriends More Than You Think
Friendship among females can be complicated and simple, beautiful and brittle, and a bit messy sometimes. But there’s no force quite like women coming together to support each other. I still remember when I first met Anna. I was six years old, and it was the first day of school. She was loud and outspoken, while I was shy and timid; we were polar opposites. As I struggled with the idea of talking...